
We built one-stop-shop for Bitcoin DeFi


Crypto, DeFi

Technologies Used

  • PolkaBTC
  • Bitcoin
  • DeFi
  • Rust
  • C++
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • SCSS


Interlay is envisioned as a bridge connecting the pioneering Bitcoin ecosystem with the dynamic world of multi-chain platforms. Aiming to facilitate Bitcoin’s mass adoption and reduce the dependency on centralized systems, Interlay offers a myriad of decentralized financial instruments. Combining strengths, Interlay’s team and Apoddo’s experts worked in unison to achieve a groundbreaking goal: to bring trustless and decentralized BTC integration to other blockchains.

1. Embracing the Bitcoin Bridge Concept:

Together, we forged a path to create the iBTC token, bridging the gap between Bitcoin and other blockchains.

2. Vault Implementation:

  • Collateral Asset Whitelisting: The teams established a rigorous governance voting mechanism, ensuring only assets passing community scrutiny were whitelisted.
  • Risk Assessment: Collaborating with community and external risk teams, evaluating potential collateral assets, considering their market behavior and liquidity
  • Safety Thresholds: To safeguard users’ assets, the teams set up collateral thresholds, ensuring the system’s economic stability

3. Rolling Out BTC Relay:

The joint force implemented the BTC Relay as a dedicated light client, ensuring the system’s transparency and trustworthiness. This relay was crucial for:

– Verifying Bitcoin block headers.
– Proof-checking transactions.
– Handling blockchain forks, ensuring system resilience.


4. Strengthening Bridge Security:

  • Open Participation: The system is designed to be permissionless, letting anyone register as a Vault operator, fostering decentralization.
  • Non-Interactive Minting: To prevent potential censorship, it is ensured that the minting process is autonomous, eliminating any third-party intervention.
  • Over-collateralization: Recognizing the importance of trust, they imposed strict collateral requirements on Vault operators.

5. Ensuring Decentralization and Economic Trustlessness:

  • Decentralized Framework: Combined vision empowered anyone to join the ecosystem, ensuring a robust and decentralized network
  • Economic Safeguards: By integrating cryptographic proofs and facilitating immediate liquidations, they guaranteed users could always redeem or be reimbursed.

Apoddo’s initial expertise wasn’t specifically in the realm of Crypto and Blockchain. However, their adaptability and proactive approach truly impressed us. They rapidly onboarded top-tier talent and seamlessly integrated their existing team members to align with our requirements.

Dominik, CTO



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